Sunday, February 28, 2010

I'll Miss You

Goodbye Olympics. Oh, how I have enjoyed watching you. You will be missed. The good thing is, I'll get more sleep. And to all the athletes.... so AWESOME!!!! Thank you so much.

Pretty Girl

Hailey has now decided that she will pick out what she wants to wear. This is sometimes cute but most of the time it's just a pain. When she decided this is what she wanted to wear she kept saying "pretty, pretty". She also likes to run around naked. If she had her way that's what she would do all day long. It just drives me nuts. Again, sometimes cute but... Please Hailey let me tell you when you wear clothes you look pretty, pretty.

Workbook Time

Marcus has a few new workbooks that he just loves to do. He says he has to do AT LEAST 4 pages at a time because he is 4 years old. I kind of have to limit him or he would probably do the entire book in an afternoon. He is getting better at following directions. With every page completed he gets a sticker. He's very proud of his work. He does a great job. He's very excited about learning. He will start preschool in September. He's going to love it.

Chuck E Cheese

As a special treat, Grandma wanted to take the kids to Chuck E Cheese. She sent the coupons about a week before her trip. Marcus was so excited. He talked about it every day until she came. We all had a great evening. Lots of laughter and playing. The kids even earned enough tickets to get some good prizes. Hailey's favorite was a mini tootsie pop. Marcus liked the cotton candy the best. It was a fun night. Thanks Grandma.

Read, Read, Read

Hailey, Grandma, Marcus
O.k. I know it's not the best picture but..... it must be known. The entire time Grandma was at our house all I heard was read, read, read, read, read. She did so much reading to the kids while she was here. That was the number one request from the children. And of coarse she did it. I always say when Grandma comes Mommy goes on vacation. It's great.

Happy Valentine's Day

I love you!!!

The kids were excited to get treat bags from Grandma Carpenter.

The kids Valentine's Day table.

A special treat. Krispy Kreme - a family favorite.

So yummy!!
Valentine's Day was a lot of fun. I love spending time with the people I love. And to my special valentine... I love you more!!!

New Fireplace

Aaron took off our old stone and put up granite to match our kitchen. The kids had a good time helping him. He was teaching them all about tools. Hailey got a little crazy with the hammer. But Aaron was very patient with her and helped her pound those nails in. Marcus is a tool man (well when he's not a fireman). He is actually pretty helpful. He's great at getting things. What good helpers to have around.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

He did it again!!!

Yes, once again Aaron has surprised me (don't tell him I said that). He fixed our washing machine tonight. It was making this horrible sound and we haven't been able to use if for about three days. It doesn't seem like a long time but we have tons of dirty clothes. So he took it apart and did "something" and he fixed it. It was awesome. Aaron has impressed me again. I am so grateful to have a husband that can fix ANYTHING! Thank you Aaron. You are pretty handy to have around. Love you!!!!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Are you watching?

I LOVE the Olympics. I can't really tell you why. It is so exciting. We have been counting down the days,we watched the opening ceremony, prayed for comfort for the family of the man that lost his life. There's sorrow that comes along with all of the excitement. There's just something about the Olympics. It's one of those things that I can remember where I was and what I was doing each time the Olympics is on. Lot's of good memories. I hope to pass on the excitement along my children. It sounds weird I know but I LOVE THE OLYMPICS!! And someday.... I am going to go. Well, go and watch that is. Not BE in the Olympics. But for now I will cheer on the USA from home. Go for the GOLD!!!!

Home Depot

The first Saturday of each month Home Depot offers a free workshop for kids. It's usually pretty fun. My only advice is to go early. They get kind of busy and sometimes the run out of projects. We haven't been there for a while. But we made the trip on Feb 6th. It was fun. Marcus did a lot of the project himself. I helped him to get the nails started and he POUNDED them in. Hailey wanted to help as well. She tried to swing the hammer around. One time she almost hit me in the head. So we will have to work on tool safety. Maybe Dad will have to teach her. It was pretty fun!

Science Fair

Christopher's project is called Tasty Visions. The object is to guess what flavor or pop you are drinking. It looks like strawberry, lemon lime, orange, and grape. But the trick is that the "orange" pop is actually club soda (which we later changed to sprite) with orange food coloring. Does what you see affect what you taste?
Aaron taking his taste test.

Ashlyn, Alexa

Aunt Kristi, Alayna

Cabin at Govennment Camp

Last year at the school auction Eric and Cassie bought a week at a cabin located in Government Camp. They invited us to go with them. Eric and Aaron went up on Thursday night and skied Friday and then the kids and I came up Friday night. I have to say that I wasn't all that excited about going. But it turned out to be a great weekend. We all had a lot of fun. I am very grateful that we were able to go along. The kids loved the snow. Hailey was obsessed with walking. We tried to carry her or have her ride in the sled but she wouldn't. She liked walking in the snow and slush. Marcus was very excited to be there. He loved the snow and sledding and the snow cave. Christopher is learning to ski, he likes to sled, and go exploring in the deep snow. Dristyn likes to snowboard. I was going to take some pictures of him and I missed my opportunity-sorry Dristyn. It was a great weekend!!! Heres the cabin.

Fun in the hot tub.

Some of Eric's friends came up and brought Krispy Kreme doughnuts. The kids were pretty excited about that. Thank you.

Time to go home.