Sunday, September 13, 2009

Trip to the E.R.

This would be the proper way to use this machine.

But Hailey sure had fun driving it. Until.... She fell

I was right there and didn't catch her. Poor little girl. I felt SO BAD!!!

We took her to the E.R. and they used some E.R. superglue and sent us on our way.

Note to self: This machine is not a kids toy. Be more careful!!!!!

On another note. While Daddy, Grandma Carpenter, Hailey and I went to the E.R. Marky went with Uncle Nathan and had a great time. They got shave ice and rode the fire truck and he even took a nap. I really appreciated Nathan taking such good care of Marcus so we could give Hailey all of our attention. Marky says Nathan can babysit ANYTIME. He's still asking if we can go to Nathan's house. Thank you Nathan for stepping up and taking such good care of our Sweetheart.

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