Sunday, June 28, 2009


Yes, I know I am a week late, but that's the way I do things around here.  Happy Father's Day to all of the Dad's in our lives.  We love and appreciate you all so much.  This year we stayed at home and celebrated Aaron.  He is the best Dad I could ask for my children to have.  He adds so much excitement and adventure to their lives.  And mine as well (I just about have a panic attack every time I see them playing together).  The kids love it.  Everyday, when they hear that garage door opening they go running to see their Dad.  And if Daddy's hands are full and he passes them by to put his things on his desk,  the tears flow and oh my goodness you would think we just took away their favorite toy (Oh, thats right we did).  Needless to say, Dad is #1 around here.  Thank you Aaron for the Father you are to our children.  We love you!!!

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