Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Out of nowhere

O.K. I know this is out of nowhere, but can I just say. I'm so sick of people that SUCK!!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

time out

This post in out of sequence. I've been trying to catch up but today is June 17th and I just need to say I LOVE MY FAMILY!!! They are the best. Now I'll get back to playing catch up. Hopefully, once I get there, I can stay caught up!!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Mt. Hood

Aaron took Dristyn and Christopher up to Mt. Hood for the day. The had a lot of fun and were worn out by the time they got home. I'm glad they have found something they all enjoy doing.

Sold Our House

We decided to put our house up for sale. We weren't sure if that was the right thing to do. So we thought we would just see what would happen. Within three days our house was SOLD. And by the time all was said and done, we had two weeks to be out. I had mixed feelings about this. We had so many memories here. This was the only home my kids have ever had. To be honest, I was really sad to leave. But we decided that it was Gods will for us to move on. I hope the new owners enjoy it as much as we did. I will miss our neighbors a lot. I'm very grateful for Gods plan and his timing. I will put my trust in him!

Hair Cuts

She just got a little trim to even things out.

They gave her a cute little butterfly clip for her hair.

Hailey sat very still. I was very impressed!

When the kids were finished they got a sucker. They really like Whipper Snippers. When we go there it takes about an hour because after the haircut they like to play and read books.

Easter Fun

Our egg hunt in the back yard.


Coloring eggs

Emma, Christopher

Marcus, Alayna

Hailey liked to eat the candy more then make the necklace.



Ashlyn, Alexa, Emma

Christopher, Maddie

Hailey's Easter basket.

Marcus's Easter basket.

Daddy got some candy too!

A special treat from Grandma.

Kiss for you!

Underwater Egg Hunt

We went to the underwater egg hunt at the recreation center. Julie and her family came with us. It was a lot of fun. We even got a special egg that had a number on it. And we got a prize basket (thanks to teacher Jen).





Micah, Maddie

Micah, Marcus, Aaron, Hailey

Micah, Carrie, Marcus, Aaron, Hailey

Maddie, Christopher, Emma



Marcus, Hailey, Aaron

Marcus, Aaron, Hailey, Micah