Saturday, March 13, 2010

Goodbye little black dress

I bought this dress to wear to the school auction. However, then I was forced to come to my senses and it will be returned to the store. :( On the upside now I will use the money to buy something for my hubby that he actually needs. I love Aaron for many reasons. And today, I was reminded of one of those reasons. He told me I could keep the dress. The problem is that I will wear it once a year (maybe). So again Aaron's sacrificing things that he needs for things that I want. He always tries to give his family everything we want. What I think he doesn't realize is that we already have it!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Kids Pictures

Here are the kids pictures. Hailey is 21 months old, and Marcus is 4 years old. I think they turned out pretty good. Especially because when we first got there Hailey was pretty much ready to go back home. So Grandma took Hailey and had a quick snack. Marcus did AWESOME. He was very patient and obedient. I was very proud of him. It made the whole process so much easier. I love these kiddo's. They are growing up too fast!!!